Flashback /Katz Has Nine Lives
Back in 2012 I was pushing hard to get hired by WWE, and one of the ways I did so, both to show them what I was capable of, and also to prepare myself for an intensive workload, was to create a 13-week webisode series with a high demand output.
Every Wednesday night we would shoot, and then I made it my mission to get the episode prepped, edited, post produced, output, transcoded and uploaded as early as I could Thursday morning. Sometimes renders went long, computers crashed, and it was an early Thursday evening drop, but doing this work readied me for the intensive schedule and bandwith needed to perform at an elite level.
It wasn’t perfect, but it was a lot of fun.
Featuring the NWA’s Joe Galli. NJPW’s Rocky Romero. AEW’s Luchasaurus (before he was Luchasaurus). Tough Enough’s Eric Watts. Plus homegrown Superstars like The Hobo, Donnie Shallow, Spectre, JJ $teele, Mario Banks, The Ram Rock, Donnie Shallow and more.
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